Delegate David J. Toscano and Senator Creigh Deeds will hold a joint town hall meeting in Charlottesville to share insights from the 2017 General Assembly and provide an opportunity to answer questions, receive comments and listen to concerns from constituents.
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (March 24, 2017) – David J. Toscano (D-57) Democratic leader of the Virginia House of Delegates, and Senator Creigh Deeds (D-25) will co-host a town hall on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, beginning at 6:00 pm in the Forum at Monticello High School.
“Senator Deeds and I remain committed to holding town halls and reporting on the activities of state government. Whether one-on-one or in town halls, we gain considerable insight and remain accountable to the people who have elected us through these meetings.” said Toscano.
During this year’s General Assembly the House of Delegates and the Senate considered a total of 2959 bills and resolutions during the 45 day session. All that remains for this year’s legislation is the reconvene session scheduled for April 5. Delegate Toscano and Senator Deeds are eager to hear from constituents before returning to Richmond to consider final amendments and vetoes from the Governor.
Doors will open at 5:45 and all are welcome. The event is free and open to the public.