I hope you will participate in this fundraising challenge:
Elect 17 in 2017
- 17 days
- 17 Thousand Dollars
- 17 House of Delegates Seats to Win the Majority
Reason #1
Republicans block Medicaid expansion;
more Democrats would change that.
Reason #2
Republicans fire extremely qualified Supreme Court Justice, propose hiring ideological partisan Ken Cuccinelli;
Democrats support nonpartisan judicial selection.
Reason #3
Republicans prevent any redistricting reform;
Democrats support nonpartisan and fair redistricting.
Reason #4
Republicans vote to defund Planned Parenthood;
Democrats support family planning and reproductive health.
Reason #5
Republicans want more guns – in schools, cars, and workplaces;
Democrats support common sense gun safety and responsible gun ownership.
Reason #6
Republicans pass bills making it more difficult to vote;
Democrats support more options for ease in voting.
Reason #7
Republicans deny science of climate change – reject Virginia’s Clean Power Plan;
Democrats embrace science and believe we need action on climate change.
Reason #8
Republicans defeat bills to ensure nondiscrimination in employment and housing;
Democrats support equal rights for everyone, including LGBT community members.
Reason #9
Republicans pass bills to use religion as a reason to discriminate;
Democrats believe in diversity and fair treatment for all.
Reason #10
Republicans take money from public schools by supporting tax credits to fund private schools;
Democrats fight to adequately fund public schools and raise teacher pay.
Reason #11
Republicans deny efforts to provide every child access to full-day kindergarten;
Democrats believe all children should have access to full-day kindergarten.
Reason #12
Republicans defeat efforts to increase the minimum wage;
Democrats support efforts to raise wages to build the middle class.
Reason #13
Republicans continue efforts to amend the Virginia Constitution – even when not needed;
Democrats believe we should only change our Constitution for serious and compelling reasons.
Reason #14
Republicans sought to ban abortion after 20 weeks, without regard to the health of the mother;
Democrats believe that abortion should remain safe and legal, and we should have services in place to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies.
Reason #15
Republicans continue to fight against new Americans;
Democrats support common sense immigration reform that includes pathways to citizenship.
Reason #16
Republicans removed funding that would assist former offenders who seek restoration of their voting rights;
Democrats believe restoration of rights is essential to integrating rehabilitated offenders into society.
Reason #17
Republican “tax reform,” from Bush to Trump, means more income and wealth inequality than ever before;
Democratic tax reform is designed to expand the middle class and generate more economic opportunity.