The chart below tells you everything you need to know about the House Republican bill (AHCA) to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). “They took $800 billion for health care from the poorest among us,” said Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe, “and they gave $600 billion in tax cuts for the wealthiest among us.” That’s what this healthcare bill is. [Read more…]
Trump’s Impact on Virginia
State Legislating In The Shadow Of A Trump Presidency
In the weeks that followed the election of Donald J. Trump, a number of state legislators around the country wondered aloud whether the new president was perhaps so enigmatic and unpredictable that he actually would not do what he promised to do during the course of the fall campaign. And others hoped that he might actually follow through on his promise that “all citizens will have really good health care.” They were dramatically wrong on all counts. Trump has done exactly what he promised to do – with startling speed, audacious assertiveness, and with little apparent concern about the real impacts, not only of his tweets, but, more importantly, his policies. This presents significant peril for our constituents, but also unprecedented political opportunities for the upcoming elections. The first test electorally will be November 2017, and Virginia will be at the center of it all. All statewide offices are up for election, as well as 100 seats in the Virginia House of Delegates. [Read more…]
Waking up on Inauguration Day
It appears that America has awakened. On Saturday, millions took to the streets to protest the Trump presidency and what it might mean for this country. In Charlottesville, thousands gathered at the Ix Park to march in support of diversity and to protect our rights. In keeping with our efforts to find ways to be actively engaged, I offer the following options, which are very simple to do: [Read more…]
Silver Linings and Next Steps
Like many of you, I have had numerous conversations with friends, colleagues, and constituents over the last weeks about the 2016 presidential election. I cannot remember a time when people have been more disappointed and shocked by the results of an election. Citizens find it difficult to understand how Donald Trump could be elected in light of his insensitivity to race, gender, and cultural norms, not to mention his policy proposals. I have encouraged people to take stock of the election, take heart in the strength and resolve that we share to make this a better country, and then act! [Read more…]
The Reaction Election — What’s Next for Virginia?
We should have seen it coming. Yet few of us did. The pollsters, pundits, media moguls, and establishment of both parties are all asking themselves “how could this happen – and what happens next?”
We are hearing that this is a “change” election. I submit that it is something quite different; it was nothing short of a massive and unadulterated “reaction election.” It was a reaction to a country and world that sometimes appear to be spinning out of control. [Read more…]