- HB 360 Historical African American cemeteries; adds Daughters of Zion Cemetery in Charlottesville to list.
- HB 1009 Firearms, certain; prohibited public carrying, penalty.
- HB 1010 Relief; Davis, Robert Paul.
- HB 1011 U.S. Route 29 bypass; repeals statutory guidelines for construction and payment.
- HB 1014 CBD oil and THC-A oil; certification for use, dispensing.
- HB 1016 Parental leave benefits; creates a new program for full-time state employees.
- HB 1017 Child day programs; exemptions from licensure.
- HB 1018 Energy storage system; establishes tax credit.
- HB 1019 Firearms, etc.; permitted events.
- HB 1190 Medicaid managed care plans; exchange participation.
- HB 1225 War veterans; removal or upkeep of monument or memorial.
- HB 1246 Identity Theft Passport; police reports submitted to the Attorney General.
- HB 1249 DNA; analysis upon conviction of certain misdemeanors.
- HB 1262 General Services, Department of; disposition of surplus motor vehicles.
- HB 1264 DNA; analysis upon conviction of certain misdemeanors.
- HB 1266 Arrests; law-enforcement agency to report, etc.
- HB 1268 Health benefits; employees of members of an association.
- HB 1364 Closed preliminary hearings; child pornography, etc., case.
- HB 1503 Community solar generation; establishment of facilities.
- HJ 100 Internet; recognizes that broadband access is basic infrastructure.
- HJ 101 Energy storage devices; DMME to study use.
- HJ 302 Celebrating the life of Heather Danielle Heyer.
- HJ 303 Celebrating the life of Frances Elizabeth Gibson Loose.
- HJ 380 Commending David T. Gies.
- HJ 381 Commending Teresa A. Sullivan.
- HJ 441 Commending Christopher Howard Long.
- HJ 531 Commending the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission and its localities.
- HB 1666 Speed monitoring systems; locality may, by ordinance, establish.
- HB 1711 Minimum city population required to enforce certain ordinance violations.
- HB 1800 Electric utility regulation; third party power purchase agreements.
- HB 2214 Transportation, Department of, and University of Virginia; use agreement.
- HB 2215 Adoption assistance; children with special needs.
- HB 2216 Putative Father Registry; changes name to Virginia Birth Father Registry.
- HB 2217 Address confidentiality program; victims of sexual violence and human trafficking.
- HB 2232 Child day programs; exemptions from licensure.
- HB 2365 Registration records; deadline extension.
- HJ 684 Commending Robert C. Vaughan III.
- HJ 711 DNA data bank; VSCC to study expanding number of certain crimes that require DNA.
- HJ 981 Celebrating the life of William Henry Anderson, Jr.
- HJ 984 Commending Ebenezer Baptist Church.
- HJ 990 Celebrating the life of Holly Marie Kerr Edwards.
- HJ 991 Celebrating the life of William Harold Lucy.
- HJ 992 Celebrating the life of Rouhollah K. Ramazani.
- HJ 993 Celebrating the life of Pierre Paul Saunier, Jr.
- HJ 994 Celebrating the life of James Gordon Simmonds.
- HJ 1031 Commending J.F. Bell Funeral Home, Inc.
- HJ 1035 Celebrating the life of Charles Henry Gleason, M.D.
- HB 742 Neighborhood Assistance Program; eligibility for tax credits
- HB 899 Elections; early voting by persons age 65 or older
- HB 913 Discrimination; prohibited in employment and housing
- HB 914 Campaign finance; fundraising during special sessions prohibited
- HB 915 Passing stopped school buses; mailing of summons
- HB 932 Court-appointed counsel; compensation, increases frequency of reporting
- HB 933 High school graduation and dropout data; students who have been placed in custody of DSS
- HB 935 Extended Foster Care Services and Support Program; created
- HB 936 Students, certain, with limited English proficiency; Board shall make provision in its regulations
- HB 941 Clean energy programs; expands scope by including certain residential properties
- HB 1137 Electric utilities; net energy metering, energy balancing devices
- HJ 374 Celebrating the life of Francis Harrison Fife
- HJ 381 Commending Rabbi Daniel S. Alexander
- HJ 423 Celebrating the life of Horace Julian Bond
- HJ 439 Commending Timothy John Longo, Sr.
- HJ 516 Commending Stephen L. Sellers
- HJ 519 Commending the University of Virginia athletics program
- HJ 520 Celebrating the life of Howard Arthur Pape
- HR 75 Commending religious liberty and freedom from political persecution
- HR 86 Commending the Reverend Dr. Lehman D. Bates II
- HR 262 Commending Malcolm Moses Brogdon
- HB 1316 Virginia Retirement System; average final compensation
- HB 1617 DNA; analysis upon conviction of certain Class 1 misdemeanors
- HB 1938 Campaign finance; campaign fundraising during special sessions prohibited
- HB 1939 Neighborhood assistance; reduces tax credit
- HB 1959 Higher educational institutions; information for six-year plans
- HB 2051 Charlottesville, City of; amends current sidewalk construction provision
- HB 2073 Electric utilities; net energy metering, energy balancing devices
- HB 2075 Electric utility regulation; solar renewable energy certificate registration system
- HB 2098 Tangible personal property; miscellaneous and incidental property
- HB 2139 Higher educational institutions; reporting of felony criminal sexual assault
- HB 2181 Coal; tax credit allowed beginning January 1, 2015
- HB 2201 Academic transcripts; documentation of dismissal
- HB 2360 Punitive damages; changes cap from $350,000 to $750,000
- HB 2370 Firearms; transfer at gun shows, voluntary background check, penalties
- HJ 739 Celebrating the life of Thomas F. Bergin
- HJ 740 Celebrating the life of the Honorable James Brady Murray
- HJ 741 Commending the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
- HJ 742 Commending Donna Shaunesey
- HJ 743 Commending Eugene Williams
- HJ 744 Commending Lorraine Payne Williams
- HJ 798 Celebrating the life of John Robert Erwin
- HJ 959 Celebrating the life of Betty Van Yahres
- HB 121 Tax information; disclosure by Department of Taxation
- HB 312 Civil action; rescission of deed, etc., court may award to plaintiff reasonable attorney fees, etc
- HB 397 Social worker; family-services specialists & qualified equivalent workers allowed to perform tasks
- HB 406 Evaluate Tax Preferences, Joint Subcommittee to; required to report to General Assembly annually
- HB 407 Adoption; disclosure of identifying information
- HB 922 Alcoholic beverage control; special agents
- HB 1110 Children placed in child-caring institutions or group homes; reimbursement of costs to educate
- HB 1233 Address Confidentiality Program; victims of stalking eligible for Program
- HJ 72 Pay It Forward, Pay It Back; SCHEV to study feasibility of implementing
- HJ 120 Celebrating the life of the Honorable Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
- HJ 280 Celebrating the life of Joseph Charles Palumbo
- HJ 318 Commending the Senior Center, Inc.
- HJ 455 Commending Raymond Lee Richards
- HJ 456 Commending Jennifer J. Brown
- HJ 457 Commending the Virginia High School League
- HJ 458 Commending James H. Bash
- HJ 460 Celebrating the life of Mary Wilkinson Gaston
- HJ 483 Commending the Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District
- HR 67 Public interactions; Virginia ABC to observe agency policies and protect constitutional rights
A list of legislation carried by David Toscano during the 2013 General Assembly session.
- HB 1723 Child support; imputation of income, custodial parent attendance in educational, etc., program
- HB 1724 Subdivision ordinance; Charlottesville may allow developer to construct sidewalk on residential lot
- HB 1727 Water and waste authorities; rates and charges
- HB 1728 Virginia Vulnerable Adult Protection Act; created
- HB 1729 Payment of wages to employees; requires employers to maintain and preserve certain records
- HB 1735 School boards, local; salary increases for members
- HB 1795 Child support; confidentiality of guidelines worksheets in mediated agreements
- HB 1975 Certificate of public need; continuing care retirement communities, admissions to nursing home beds
- HB 1976 Higher Education, Virginia Commission on; Board appointments
- HB 1978 University of Virginia; Board of Visitors, composition and quorum
- HB 2006 Mortgages; retains its subordinate status
- HB 2329 Adoption; death of joint petitioner prior to entry of final order
- HJ 676 Standards of Learning; Board of Education to study alternatives to assessments
- HJ 712 Celebrating the life of Jean Miller Brundred Murray
- HJ 713 Celebrating the life of Preston Alexander Coiner
- HJ 714 Celebrating the life of William Henry Wood
- HJ 857 Commending the Jefferson School City Center
- HJ 959 Celebrating the life of Daniel John Meador
- HB 146 Virginia’s tax preferenes; Commission to review the effectiveness of: Establishes the Commission to oversee the evaluation of Virginia’s tax preferences. (TABLED)
- HB 147 Statewide fraud control program; medical assistance overpayment moneys to be paid into Fund. Provides that all overpayment moneys collected or recovered from recipients of medical assistance by local departments of social services shall be paid into the Fraud Recovery Special Fund and made available to local departments for fraud control activities. (TABLED)
- HB 444 Public Procurement Act; certain payments under state plan for medical assistance services exempted. Exempts payments to providers of medical assistance services from the prompt payment provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act in cases in which the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) has initiated an investigation for fraud or abuse or a review of the claim for medical necessity. (TABLED)
- HB445 Adoption; various changes to procedures.(PASSED)
- HB 446 Coal tax credits; termination of certain credits. Repeals the Virginia coal employment and production incentive tax credit and the coalfield employment enhancement tax credit. (TABLED)
- HB 447 Appropriation bills; House Appropriations and Senate Finance issue reports with budget conference. (TABLED)
- HB 448 Net energy metering program; standby charges. Revises the requirement, enacted in 2011, that a customer-generator pay a monthly standby charge that allows its supplier to recover a portion of its infrastructure costs. (TABLED)
- HB 449 Virginia Public Procurement Act; preferences by localities, etc. Allows a locality to give a procurement preference for goods, services, and construction produced in the locality or by persons, firms, or corporations having principal places of business in the locality (TABLED)
- HB 450 Parental rights; procedure for restoration. Creates a procedure for restoring the parental rights to a child’s parent whose rights as to that child had previously been terminated, provided certain conditions exist. (CONTINUED TO 2013 SESSION)
- HB 451 Adoption; appointment of counsel if parent is determined to be indigent. Provides that a parent who does not consent to the adoption of the parent’s child, but whose consent to the adoption is required, shall be appointed counsel upon the parent’s request if such parent is determined to be indigent. (PASSED)
- HB 658 Conflict of Interests Act, State and Local; definition of personal interest in a transaction. Clarifies that there is no personal interest in a transaction where an officer or employee of a local governing body is appointed by the local governing body to serve on a governmental agency and the personal interest in the transaction of the governmental agency is a result of the salary, other compensation, fringe benefits, or benefits provided by the local governing body to the officer or employee or a member of his immediate family. (PASSED)
- HB 1113 Biscuit Run; DCR to negotiate land exchange of certain acres in Albemarle County. Establishes a procedure that authorizes the Department of Conservation and Recreation to exchange parcels of land it owns for interest in property owned by a private company near Biscuit Run in Charlottesville. (PASSED)
- HB 1264 Income tax, state; extension of time to file tax return. Provides that for individual income tax returns filed electronically under an extension of time allowed or elected, no late payment penalty would be imposed if the full amount of tax due is paid by the last day by which the taxpayer would have been required to file the return under the extension, regardless of whether the income tax return was filed prior to the full amount of the tax being paid. (TABLED)
- HB 1529 Pendente lite support orders; payment of debts: Provides that a pendente lite spousal support order may include ordering that a party pay secured or unsecured debts incurred jointly by the parties or in either party’s name.(PASSED)
- HB 1682 Subordinate mortgage; increases maximum amount upon refinancing of primary mortgage: makes it easier for homeowners with a second (subordinate) mortgage to refinance by increasing from $50,000 to $150,000 the maximum amount of the subordinate mortgage that retains its subordinate status upon the refinancing of the primary mortgage. (PASSED)
- HB1683 Motor vehicles; passing of bicycles, etc: prohibits following too closely behind a bicycle and increases the required passing distance around bikes from 2 feet to 3 feet. (TABLED)
Related Articles:
- HB 1684 Voter registration; identification requirements for first-time voters who register by mail: Revises the current requirement for first-time voters who register by mail. The bill replaces the requirement to vote in person with a requirement to show a form of voter identification. (TABLED)
- HB 1685 Agricultural net energy metering; creates a category of eligible customer-generators: allows agricultural customers engaging in “net metering” to aggregate multiple meters on their property and across property lines to adjacent agricultural customers for the purpose of making it easier for farms to self-generate electricity with alternative energies. (TABLED; being studied by the SCC)
- HB 1686 Distributed solar generation demonstration programs; SCC to consider approval of facilities: Directs the State Corporation Commission (SCC) to approve petitions filed by a utility to own and operate distributed solar generation facilities and to offer special tariffs to facilitate customer-owned distributed solar generation as alternatives to net energy metering. These pilot programs are designed to test out a rate structure for self-generating customers and a system of distributed solar power. (PASSED)
Related Articles:
- HB1868 Adult adopted person; access to identifying information: Makes it easier for adult adopted persons to obtain their original birth certificates.(PASSED)
- HB 1869 General Assembly; reports to accompany general appropriation bills: Requires the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee to issue reports concurrently with the budget conference report that specifically identify (i) any nonstate appropriation, (ii) any item in the conference report that was not included in a general appropriation bill as passed by either the House or the Senate, and (iii) any item that represents legislation that failed in either house during the regular or a special session. (TABLED)
Related Articles:
- HB 1870 VEDPA; reports by businesses receiving development subsidies: Requires any business entity that receives a government development subsidy (e.g. tax credits, exemptions, abatements, bonds, grants, etc) to file an annual report with the state to track whether the subsidy is achieving its stated job-creation goals. (TABLED)
Related Articles:
- HB 1871 Length of school term; minimum number of days or hours: Provides that, beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, the minimum length of the school term shall increase by 5.5 hours annually for a period of 10 years. (TABLED; incorporated into HJ 646, a study of year-round schooling and other educational reforms)
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- HB 1872 Public infrastructure maintenance bonds; City of Charlottesville may require from developers, etc: Allows localities to require public infrastructure maintenance bonds from developers and property owners in conjunction with the construction of single- and two-family homes to cover potential damage to public infrastructure like sidewalks, etc. (PASSED)
- HB 1873 Converted vehicles; definition, certain vehicles need not be examined by DMV: Creates a definition for vehicles converted from gas to electric power and provides that such vehicles, when accompanied by certain documents, need not be examined by the Department of Motor Vehicles. (TABLED, being studied by DMV to see how best to define and regulate the permitting of these vehicles)
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This bill was based on a constituent request relating to a great project at the UVA Engineering School converting standard internal-combustion automobiles to electric vehicles. More information here: https://www.seas.virginia.edu/pubs/enews/enews_july10/ride.php
- HB 2421 Adoption procedures: Makes numerous changes to adoption procedures including (i) providing that venue for a parental placement adoption consent hearing lies in any city or county in the Commonwealth; (ii) providing that juvenile and domestic relations district courts have jurisdiction over petitions to review an adoption home study and petitions for the court to assist with the execution of another state’s or jurisdiction’s adoption consent or related document; (iii) under what conditions parental consent is not required for an adoption of a child from another country whose foreign placement will be finalized in the Commonwealth; and (iv) providing that procedures used in parental placement adoptions apply in all cases, except step-parent, relative, and agency placements. The bill also provides that a birth parent’s consent to an adoption is not required if he has not visited or contacted the child for six months immediately prior to the filing of the petition for adoption or prior to any adoption-related proceeding in the juvenile and domestic relations district court where the birth parent has been notified of the Putative Father Registry or other adoption-related proceeding or has been contacted for the purpose of seeking his cooperation in a future adoption proceeding. Current law only provides that the birth parent’s consent is not required if he had not visited or contacted the child for six months prior to the filing of the petition for adoption. (TABLED; working with group of adoption advocates and attorneys for reintroduction in 2012)
- HB 2422 Protective orders; makes numerous changes to laws governing family abuse and stalking, penalty: incorporated into omnibus protective orders bill (HB 2063), the provisions of HB 2422 that were included require that the procedures for obtaining a protective order and the law enforcement response are consistent for those in dating relationships, too. (PASSED, HB 2063)
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